// // Author: Cameron Cottle // Name: Layout Styles // // Last Revised: 3-04-2013 11:11 // Last Revised By: Cameron Cottle // @siteWidth:960px; //Must Be a Pixel Value @insides: 12px; //Must Be a Pixel Value @outsides:0; //Must Be a Pixel Value @cols: 24; @colWidth: (@siteWidth - (@outsides * 2) - (@insides * (@cols - 1))) / @cols; #sheet{ width: @siteWidth; *width: @siteWidth - (@outsides * 2); -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; margin: auto; min-width: @siteWidth; padding: 0 @outsides; } #sheet.full{ width: 100%; } .content .row{ margin-bottom: @insides; } .footer, .content{ float: left; width: 100%; } *{ box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; } .cols(@a) when (@cols >= @a){ @container: (@colWidth * @a) + ( @insides * (@a - 1)); width: @container; } .cols(@a) when (@cols < @a){ } .cols(@a){ float: left; margin-left: @insides; max-width: 100%; } .span-1{.cols(1);} .span-2{.cols(2);} .span-3{.cols(3);} .span-4{.cols(4);} .span-5{.cols(5);} .span-6{.cols(6);} .span-7{.cols(7);} .span-8{.cols(8);} .span-9{.cols(9);} .span-10{.cols(10);} .span-11{.cols(11);} .span-12{.cols(12);} .span-13{.cols(13);} .span-14{.cols(14);} .span-15{.cols(15);} .span-16{.cols(16);} .span-17{.cols(17);} .span-18{.cols(18);} .span-19{.cols(19);} .span-20{.cols(20);} .span-21{.cols(21);} .span-22{.cols(22);} .span-23{.cols(23);} .span-24{.cols(24);} .first{margin-left: 0px;} //************************************************************* forms ***********************************************// .row{ float: none; margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; } @form-insides: 20px 10px; //Any Valid Value @form-outsides: 2%; .width-5,.width-10,.width-15,.width-20,.width-25,.width-30,.width-33,.width-35,.width-40,.width-45,.width-50,.width-55,.width-60,.width-65,.width-70,.width-75,.width-80,.width-85,.width-90,.width-95,.width-100{ float: left; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .margin-5{margin-right: 5%;} .margin-10{margin-right: 10%;} .margin-15{margin-right: 15%;} .margin-20{margin-right: 20%;} .margin-25{margin-right: 25%;} .width-5{width: 5%;} .width-10{width: 10%;} .width-15{width: 15%;} .width-20{width: 20%;} .width-25{width: 25%;} .width-30{width: 30%;} .width-33{width: 33%;} .width-35{width: 35%;} .width-40{width: 40%;} .width-45{width: 45%;} .width-50{width: 50%;} .width-55{width: 55%;} .width-60{width: 60%;} .width-65{width: 65%;} .width-70{width: 70%;} .width-75{width: 75%;} .width-80{width: 80%;} .width-85{width: 85%;} .width-90{width: 90%;} .width-95{width: 95%;} .width-100{width: 100%;} .element{ //margin-left: @insides; } .table{ display: table; width: 100% } .tr{ display: table-row; } .tc{ display: table-cell; } .clearfix:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: " "; clear: both; height: 0; }