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If a website doesn’t have any traffic, does it exist?
The most important aspect of your website is the traffic that visits it. Are you looking to solidify your current customer base or find new customers? First you need to start making small changes to boost your business. Each website must be designed to accomplish the exact goal of your site. If you are looking to accomplish multiple goals then you must organize your website in a method in which you aren’t contradicting yourself. Once the content is correct, the next step is generating the least expensive, but best traffic for your site. Finally you need to track your progress to know how well it is working as most of the big marketing agencies do, check out SearchUp which have been delivering amazing service to its clients in this way.
Marketing Process
Step #1 – Producing the Right Content
If you send thousands and thousands of visitors to your website but they don’t convert into a sale or lead then your website isn’t working. The first step of the marketing process is to decide which client you want to attract and taboola can help you get to them. You want to attract a business client, you need a professional website. Selling a product to women, make the site pleasing to women. Once your design is attractive to your new potential client, have your content write directly to them.
Step #2 – Choosing the Best Marketing Plan
Hundreds of methods exist to get traffic to your website. The question you have to ask is the what is the best method of traffic for you. Before you can answer that question, you have to determine how much you can afford to pay for a lead or sale. You can determine this from a percentage of sales. In every industry it can be different, in some cases you can lose money on your first sale but make it up in future sales to that client. Which of the following methods of marketing is right for you:
- Pay Per Click
- Email Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Affiliate Marketing
- Contextual Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Direct Mail
- and Much More….
Step #3 – Setting Up Reporting
Once you have chosen the best method or methods of marketing, the next step is to setup the appropriate reporting. Without reporting, marketing is useless. You may get lucky and hit a home run your first time, but how did it happen? Without reporting, you may never know. What if the traffic or success goes away? Do you know how to recreate it? With the proper reporting, you can learn how to duplicate and increase the success exponentially.
Step #4 – Executing the Marketing Plan
With reporting in place, now you can launch your plan. How aggressive you want to launch your plan is up to your budget. It is critical you don’t spend all your money during the trial and error phase. Yes, trial and error. Once you have found a method or methods that work for you, the next step is to monitor and duplicate. Every piece of marketing will have a law of diminishing returns. At some point you will need to expand into new marketing methods, and that’s why having a website is important, and the use of a membership website builder could be really helpful for this.
Step #5 – Monitoring the Success
Finally the last step is to continually monitor your success. Marketing is never done. Even if you are making millions of dollars a week, there is always room for growth, improvement, or adaptation. Know what your pressure points are and how to measure them. If you are looking for long-term success, it is vital that you setup monitoring tools and systems in place to know how well you are progressing.
https://www.anstrex.com/blog/who-are-top-advertisers-and-publishers-on-taboola |